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Setting Goals for Productivity at Home

At Juice Plus+, we’re extremely lucky to have a community of passionate partners who excel in their hustle despite the challenges thrown at them. With that being said, we know that our current environment remains unpredictable, but we want to remind you all the importance of setting goals while working from home for an extended period.

During a time like this, we might find ourselves mistaking self-isolation as an excuse to binge-watch shows, fill up on quarantine snacks, and wear pajamas all day, every day (all things that are valuable in moderation). However, these activities over a prolonged period will result in increased laziness and a sense of purposelessness. Whether it be professional or personal related, use this time of social distancing to work towards your goals.

At Juice Plus+, we talk a lot about “One Simple Change.” It’s how we approach the goal of healthy living, which we see as a lifelong journey, not as a singular destination. The fundamental idea is that by making a series of small, simple changes over time, you can enjoy great health benefits down the road. It’s a really powerful principle.

This approach can actually be effective for achieving goals of any kind. But first, let’s look at the goals themselves. 


Setting your goals

One common approach born from performance management involves setting SMART goals.

  • Specific. Be clear about what you’re trying to achieve. The sharp focus will help you define what you need to do.
  • Measurable. This allows you to track your progress, which can help you stay focused and encouraged.
  • Achievable. It’s fine, even admirable, to aim high ultimately, but by setting a goal that is realistic and attainable, you’re helping set yourself up for success. Believe in yourself that this is something you can do.
  • Relevant. Is this something that matters to you? Why do you want to achieve this goal? Get to the heart of your motivation—and the closer it is to your heart, you may be more likely to succeed.
  • Time-bound. Have you ever heard the quote “A goal is a dream with a deadline?” Well, without a target date, it can be difficult to find the motivation to stick to your goals and make progress.

The following are examples of SMART goals:

  • While I am working from home, I am going to keep in touch with my co-workers, clients, and community members. I will do so by taking initiative and organizing a Zoom chat once a week for the next 4 weeks. This is important to me because I value human connection and staying connected.
  • While I am self-isolating, I will prioritize work-life balance by getting involved in something new. My new project will be taking on a free, online class on The Science of Well-Being presented by Yale University. I will dedicate 4 hours a week for 5 weeks to complete the course. This is important to me because I enjoy getting involved in new activities.


Achieving your goals

Once you’ve set goals (yea!), it’s time to get to work. Follow these steps to improve your odds of success.

  1. Write down your goals and put them in a prominent place. Handwrite them on a piece of notebook paper. Borrow your kid’s markers and draw them on a sheet of craft paper. Print them in a fun font from your computer. But whatever you do, document them. And then don’t file them away or put them in a drawer. Magnet them to the fridge or tape them on your mirror.
  2. Share your goals with your friends and family. Telling people in your life about your goals helps them become real. And those same people can help you stay accountable to those goals you’ve set for yourself, not to mention be there to offer you moral support along the way.
  3. Plot out your plan to achieve your goals and start. Now. Remember that principle of One Simple Change? You can use it to break up a larger goal into a series of smaller, more manageable actions that you take to get there. You know the saying “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step?” It honestly couldn’t be truer. Sometimes taking that first step is hard. But if you don’t take it, you’re stuck where you are.
  4. Celebrate progress and forgive setbacks. Take the time to recognize your advancement along the way. And don’t let a few slip ups divert your entire course.


Related content ICYMI

For 2018 we shared 4 tips from the American Psychological Association for how to make your healthy new year’s resolution a habit in a Juice Plus+ Community article.

If you enjoy digging deeper, our friends over at Tower Garden wrote an amazing article on the key to change.

We’ve also got a handy tool for creating a simple change checklist to help you develop healthy habits around the Core Four areas of healthy living. Check it out. 

What goals are you setting for yourself for 2019? We’d love to hear more about them on social.


Final Words

We hope this post inspires you to set and accomplish goals in the weeks to come. During this time of uncertainty, remember that you always have your Juice Plus+ community to lean on as a support system. You’ve already accomplished a big goal if you’re a Juice Plus+ partner: you’ve established your own business while creating a meaningful network of customers and partners.

On top of the advantage of a community, partners work independently and set their own hours, which allows for a greater sense of work-life balance. Additionally, you are protected by transparent, simple, and secure purchasing methods enabling a trust-worthy relationship between yourself and the consumer, as well as, between yourself and Juice Plus+. Simply put, it’s a rewarding journey that can fit to your needs and lifestyle!

If you are interested in becoming a partner, learn how to be a part of our community here